Bridgeman House (Green)
Our Name | Our history begins in Ireland with the Bridgeman Family. The youngest brother of the family, Henry St John Bridgeman moved to Brisbane in 1863. He supported the work of the Mercy Sisters through his financial contributions and family connections including through his eldest and second youngest daughters, Lucy and Agnes, who became nuns and were teachers with the Sisters of Mercy throughout Queensland. Whilst his eldest sister Joanna, also known as Mother Mary Bridgeman, took her vows and became a Sister of Mercy working alongside Florence Nightingale in the Crimean War. She continued the family work in Ireland. The Bridgeman family is about service.
Passion, Commitment and Persistence | These three words are our values. They are our link to our history as the students of the past selected and these as our values to live by in Bridgeman.
Dragon | We are the Dragons, a link to our history and to the Bridgeman Family who have a dragon on their family crest. The fire represents our strength, our caring nature and our ability to guard our treasures of passion, commitment and persistence.
Irish Cross | The Celtic cross is a link to our faith and Ireland. The circle surrounding the head of the cross represents God's eternal love. The hands give blessing and incorporates our link to the College and the Mercy charism.
The Floral Details | The floral detail shows the journey from Ireland represented by the Sisters of Mercy Magnolia to the ground in which we are currently based on in Brisbane being represented by the leaves of a native eucalyptus.
Borromean Rings | Represents and indicate Bridgeman’s strength in unity as a family. They are also reflective of the Trinity.
McAuley House (Yellow)

Our Name | McAuley House derives its identity, values and mission from the example of Catherine McAuley. Catherine founded the Sisters of
Mercy in Ireland in 1831. The College’s foundation in 1981 was drawn from the Sacred Heart school at Sandgate run by the Sisters of Mercy. We ta
ke our inspiration to be ‘the kindest people on earth’ from Catherine’s exhortation to the community she founded, that they ‘should be the kindest people on earth and of the most tender compassion’.
Courage, Bravery and Success | These three words are the historic qualities of McAuley House. In following in the example of Catherine McAuley, our students aspire to the COURAGE to overcome their fears to stand up for others and themselves, to demonstrate BRAVERY in overcoming obstacles, and to SUCCESS by being determined to achieve their goals.
Lion | The Lion is the historic symbol of McAuley House and represents our courage to rise to the defence of others. In our emblem, the Lion is represented as rampant and is facing both dexter [left] and sinister [right]. This reflects that we are ready to defend all who are in need.
Paw | We have embraced this symbol to reflect our unity as the Lions and Cubs of McAuley House.
Cross | The Cross is modelled on that of the Sisters of Mercy, reflecting our faith and the example of Jesus Christ at the centre of all that we do – just like Catherine McAuley.
Teacup | The Teacup reflects the care and hospitality of Catherine McAuley.
Trinity of Hearts and Hands | These symbols reflect our desire to be the ‘kindest people on earth’ and the clover shape represents the connection to Catherine McAuley’s Irish heritage.
Quinn House (Red)

Our Name | Quinn House was named after James Quinn who was the first Brisbane Archbishop. Born in Ireland, he was the son of a farmer
and from a young age, soon became known for his strong work ethic and his love for God and the Catholic Church. With help from Mother Mary Vinc
ent Whitty of the order of Mercy he combined his love of God and importance of education to establish a Catholic education system in Queensland, starting in Brisbane. In 1877 he bought the land on which the College is now situated which became known as Quinn’s Estate.
Fortitude, Loyalty, Truth | These three words are the qualities that Quinn House members strive to work towards in our everyday life. Like Archbishop Quinn, Quinn staff and students aspire to embody the traits of FORTITUDE (by showing mental and emotional strength that enables courage when facing challenges or difficulty) and LOYALTY (by being faithful and standing by one another) to live a TRUTHFUL life (to be sincere in our actions and character).
Phoenix | The phoenix is an admirable and strong bird, that symbolises eternal life and rising from the flames. Inspired by the phoenix, Quinn members aim to ignite an eternal fire within themselves so that together as a House, their strength, endurance and enthusiasm cannot be extinguished.
Flames | The flame is a symbol of power and colour and emblazons itself within its own fire and glory, as do each member of the Quinn House.
Heart in Hands | The hand holding and nurturing the heart is a representation that Quinn family members ‘act with heart’ in all that we think, say and do.
Cross | The cross reflects a link to our Catholic faith, ideals and the Mercy charism. It is positioned in the middle of our Quinn emblem with a heart in the centre to represent that God and love are ever present and central in all that we do.
Book | The open book represents the importance of knowledge and education as valued by Archbishop James Quinn and members of Quinn House.
Rochester House (Blue)

Our Name | Rochester House was named after our College patron, St John Fisher, who was the Bishop of Rochester in England. John Fisher’s story is closely linked to King Henry VIII. Though he once advised the King, when John Fisher refused to support him divorcing Catherine of Aragon, he was executed for treason. John Fisher was a renowned academic who stayed true to his Catholic beliefs, even when it cost him his life.
Spirit, Strength, Unity | These three words are the values at the centre of all we do. It is through SPIRIT, STRENGTH and UNITY that Rochester House draws its success
Wolf, Sun and Moon | The Wolf is a representation of our UNITY. It demonstrates Rochester House’s ability to work in a pack and our students’ willingness to assist one another, whether it be day or night.
Cardinal Hat | The Cardinal Hat is a symbol of John Fisher, the Bishop of Rochester, being appointed as a Cardinal. Henry VIII forbade the Cardinal Hat to be brought to England; instead, John Fisher was beheaded for treason one month later.
Cross | The Cross is representative of our SPIRIT and highlights our Catholic faith, Mercy charism and Christian values.
River Lily | The River Lily is a First Nations totem found in the Boondall Wetlands. The juice of the River Lily was used by the Turrbal people as medicine. It is a strong and adaptable flower and represents Rochester House’s STRENGTH.
Interlinked chains | These are a symbol of Rochester House working together as people of integrity, showing our strong moral and ethical principles.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St John Fisher College Bracken Ridge (2022)